Welcome to Fifth Grade
Welcome to Fifth Grade
Mathematics –
Harcourt Brace is the textbook series that is used. We supplement the text with other hands-on type of math activities which challenge our students’ critical thinking and reasoning skills. Problem Solving activities (with extended response criteria) are tied to “real-life” situations for our students to be able to relate and apply what they have learned in their solutions.
Language Arts –
6 Trait Writing is emphasized year round. Students are encouraged to write in all subject areas. Literature based lessons on grade level appropriate books are used throughout the year and tie into our Social Studies curriculum.
Science –
Our Science program involves a partnership with the GK-12 (Grade K-12) program with the Center for Conservation, Research and Training program at the University of Hawaii. Students engage with graduate students of science to conduct inquiry based, hands-on field studies which involve writing, reading, mathematics and of course science. We also have a textbook – the Harcourt series which helps to supplement our program.
Social Studies –
We use a variety of primary sources which include textbooks, literature books and research (books and internet) to study U.S. History. Textbook titles: “America’s Story” and “We The People and the Constitution”.
Grade Level Supplies –
All students should have the supplies that were listed in our School Supply list which was given with the report cards at the end of last school year. Please be sure that your child has an ample supply of folder paper both at home and at school. We have also supplied each student with a Student Planner.